
Finding Your Spirituality: How A Bolt Of Lightning Led To Enlightenment With Janine “Dancing Crow” Bolon

Sometimes, a bolt out of the blue is what awakens you towards finding your spirituality. For Janine “Dancing Crow” Bolon, it was a literal bolt of lightning that brought her to this journey. In this episode, Janet Hogan talks to Janine about spirituality and finding your source. Janine shares how lightning changed the course of her life and how she became a Native American sacred clown and how it has changed her life for the better.  Listen and learn more about the path to spiritual enlightenment.


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Finding Your Spirituality: How A Bolt Of Lightning Led To Enlightenment With Janine “Dancing Crow” Bolon

What is most extraordinary about my next guest is not that she has written nine books or homeschooled four active spawn, as she delightfully calls her kids or that she is a qualified Biochemist, Founder of her own entrepreneurial venture, The 8 Gates or that she teaches Math and Metaphysics in her spare time or that she even has any spare time. What’s most extraordinary about this human powerhouse is how her journey all began. At the tender age of eight, she was struck by lightning and was initiated into the Thunder Clan when henceforth, she would be known by her indigenous name. It gives me enormous pleasure to welcome Janine “Dancing Crow” Bolon to the show. Welcome, Janine.

Thank you so much for having me with you. I can’t wait to share what we both know.

If ever there was a Wake The F*** Up! moment, it was that point in time when you were eight years old. Can you share with us that experience and what door did that open for you?

I was either 10 or 11. I was in middle school and I was standing in my living room. We lived on a small island in The Bahamas Island Chain called Eleuthera. I was listening to the radio, trying to stay cool. As anyone who has ever lived in any tropical environment knows that sometimes laying on the floor in an all-cotton dress is the best coolest place in the house. That’s what I was doing.

I went to stand up and a bolt of lightning came through the ceiling and struck the floor near me. I went blind for several moments. It took me about twenty minutes before I got my sight back. I remember that I was surrounded by this white light all around me. That is one of the attributes that is required by certain Native American tribes to be considered a Sacred Clown, which is the highest level or the highest medicine that can be offered to somebody. You’ve literally been picked by the sky gods called Wākeans. You’ve been tapped and called into service to operate as a healer for the tribe.

Talk about a bolt from the blue. Now I know what they’re talking about. I didn’t realize that they meant that. What happened then? How did you connect with that experience without even communicating it? Did you know local indigenous people at that time? How did they find out about what happened to you?

It was 35 years later before that event would be connected with a Native American tribe here in North America. I have worked with Native Americans in North America and Central America as well as South America now but it would take almost three decades before I would be “found” by a Native American group and then given the indigenous name of Dancing Crow.

Anxiety is your ego trying to create drama. You don’t necessarily need to listen to it.

The time in between all that was my father was in the military. We were traveling all over the world. I was meeting all kinds of different types of people and learning all kinds of different customs and the various ways that you honor the land, moon and tides. When we moved to Colorado, I was married by that point. I had children of my own. I meditated quite frequently and I was starting to experience these visions. I was starting to get ancient knowledge downloaded into my head and I had no idea the frame of reference that it fits into.

That was when a friend of a friend introduced me to a shaman. When he arrived at my house, he was doing some ceremonies in the house and helping me clear out some ancient energies that were confused. After he helped me clear out the house, he turned to me and went, “Have you ever been struck by lightning?” I’m like, “Yes, I’ve been having these visions.” I started explaining them and people got very quiet. A couple of the Native Americans that were present with him got big wide-eyed and backing away from me.

I didn’t know what was going on. That was because there’s a specific area of training that only people that have been struck by lightning go through because they are seen as picked by the Thunder Clan to do sacred work. They didn’t feel qualified to be speaking to me about those things so then they had to bring in a so-called specialist. I was trained in that and that’s where my name came from. It’s a long story in the sense of a lot of time passed to connect those two dots of my experience.

Can you share the thing that they trained you on as someone who is part of this very rare group? I imagined that there wouldn’t be many people on the planet who have been struck by lightning and survived.

With this particular training with this particular group, please realize with many indigenous peoples, each group has its own training. I got my initial training with this one group that used very much the Lakota tradition. The label that they give people like me is called Heyoka. It’s specific training. What I didn’t realize was that there are a lot of folks who, if you don’t do it in a traditional way then you’re not considered Heyoka. I was called Heyoka by the spiritual beings that were summoning me to this calling. I always liked to express that to people.

That’s how I learned it because I didn’t understand the word that was coming through when I had these ancient beings chatting with me. Instead, they were using pictograms. They would show me a haystack, a big letter O and then a crow going, “Ka.” I didn’t even pronounce it right when I was first talking to some people of the Lakota nation. I was saying, “What is this, Heyoka?” That’s why they kept backing away from me with their eyes big because they were like, “What else have you seen?” I had all the necessary markers.

I don’t want to say that I was trained in the traditional way. I don’t label myself as Heyoka because of that need to keep that purity but I was labeled that by others. I’m a Sacred Clown but I’m not in a traditional sense because then, my calling after I got that training from the Lakota Tribe that I was working with, there are fifteen other tribes that introduced me to their ways of handling the medicine or the energetic gifts that I had been gifted.

Finding Spirituality: There's a very specific area of training that only people that have been struck by lightning go through because they are seen as picked by the thunder gods to do very sacred work.

It’s not homogeneous. Depending on what tribe you go to, I was finding out one tribe found owls to be very sacred but I went to the next tribe and they wouldn’t allow me to use my owl wings or owl fans in the ceremony because they were considered wrong. They were an inappropriate bird. You have to know your audience and the tribe that you’re going to. For me, I don’t like to use a lot of labels because depending upon what the tribe needs are the gifts that will manifest that I will bring to it, depending upon their paradigm.

Thanks for explaining that. That’s fascinating. Even stepping back from that, the broader context is that you described yourself as you were a recovering Catholic. What was it that you felt you had been taught in the Catholic idiom that didn’t match with the indigenous one? Where did there seem to be a misalignment?

I teasingly say a recovering Catholic but I had to walk away from the church at age eighteen when I was told by a well-meaning priest, “The Catholic Church and their priests get busted on all the time. I don’t want to be a part of that.” I’m not saying it that way. I see that the divine being or source of energy put that priest in my life so that I could do the spiritual work that I’m supposed to do. Please don’t think I find anything negative about that priest. He was doing what he felt was right but he accused me of being a witch because I was having these visions.

I went to him in confession and I was like, “I’m having these visions, father. I need help. I understand mystics. I have these types of visions. I need assistance because I was having beings show up and give me information and ancient knowledge.” He said because I couldn’t prove to his satisfaction that it was an angel, Christ or a Catholic Saint, he was in fear for me that something was going wrong because he was trained in Ireland. He was an Irish Catholic priest. He is very dyed in the wool.

I had to walk away from the church because I knew I wasn’t an evil person. I knew I was not seeing evil or experiencing evil. I was experiencing things that felt better than anything I had ever experienced on the planet. For me, that’s where I was. I had to walk away from the church when I was quite young, at eighteen and started seeking a different path. That was part of that a couple of decades before I was introduced to the Native Americans.

I wasn’t practicing Catholicism but I always honored it as a foundation because people can say what they want to about the Catholic Church. You have to remember when we use the words devil’s advocate, which comes from the Roman Catholic Church. It’s because, in order to prove they’re saints, they had a church authority that would act as the devil’s advocate making sure, “Are you sure they’re a saint? You say there are miracles?” There was somebody there.

That’s why we have all the history that we do for the saints and mystics that came before us that were manifesting some pretty intense spiritual gifts in their day. I always honor that history because that’s what started the thirst that I had for one-to-one communication with God. That was my purpose. I wanted one-to-one communication with God like Moses had and Joshua and all these guys in the sacred texts that I was reading. I wanted a conversation. I didn’t want just signs and wonders. I didn’t care about a burning bush. I wanted to hear the freaking voice of God.

Humankind will evolve their consciousness, whether it wants to or not.

You walked away from the Catholic Church but in a sense, you walked towards God. It seems like probably the most cliché question to ask anyone, how do you define God? I would love to know that from you, Janine. How does that communication or dance as you’ve described a divine romance? Tell us about that.

I never could quite accept God is having a form. That was a challenge for me because I have thoughts and reasons. I think and that gets me in trouble. I could never accept that if God was omniscient and omnipresent. I use he because I’m feminine and I like the thought of having a he to balance my femininity out. For people who feel they need she, no problem. He, I felt, had to be formless. In my spiritual meditations or what have you, I never sought the source out as he. I sought the source out as a love that passed and went beyond understanding.

Some people say the word unconditional love but to me, I felt those were also barriers to the source because I knew that what I wanted was beyond words or labeling. I had read enough about mystics and other folks who would become enlightened. It’s the Eastern terminology of the word that when you connect in with the source, you lose your vocabulary. That’s quite true. That was the experience I definitely went through.

That was the walk I moved toward. I did that because I knew all the definitions that I had been taught didn’t mean anything to me because I had not experienced God in the way I had seen and read so many of these other mystics having seen and experienced God. They would use words but I knew there was so much more depth there than anything a sacred text could give me.

When you asked me about what is my definition, my definition is, “I remember all that I am.” That is my definition of God. I remember all that I am because our soul is running around in this beautiful, cute, little three-dimensional avatar but our heart chakra is still very much connected with all that is. That’s a term I use, all that is. It’s the best way I know to describe that universal constant. That is the unconditional love that we all can channel, should we choose to.

I would love to know what your day-to-day relationship with that force that we call God is. How does that manifest for you? Is it an overall feeling that’s beyond words or is it direct communication as in messaging and guidance? How does it show up for you?

One of the things that I highly recommend with folks is that get rid of the word God. God has been so overused and there are so many layers and filters on it. Find your own personal better word. For me, it’s the source or unconditional love. Sometimes I use it. It depends on the person I’m around. The source is usually the one that I like best because I know that I’m still connected with the source.

Finding Spirituality: Our world is in a state of chaos. As we try to adjust to the new dynamic that we are being presented with, it's very easy to get into a state of anxiety.

How does it manifest and work in my day-to-day? Any time that I have an emotion that we label as negative, I know I am disconnecting from my source because the energy of that negativity is my source, understanding, wisdom and connection, telling me, “You’re getting off track. Come back into alignment.” I say things in terms of I don’t look for balance in my life. I look for harmony because, to me, balance requires energy and force to keep it in homeostasis. There’s constant energy that’s having to be put into it. It’s exhausting trying to have a balanced life or a balanced meal.

What happened to you is you’re thrown into the world of analysis in comparison, duality and disparate elements.

Whereas harmony, you can have fifteen people on a stage singing and it’s beautiful but if you have fifteen people on a stage talking, it’s horrifying. It’s chaos. I always go for harmony. When it comes to the day-to-day how does this manifests, I’m always saying, “What will make me feel better now?” Our world is in a state of chaos as we try to adjust to the new dynamic that we are being presented with. It’s very easy to get into a state of anxiety and I’m being affected by that too.

Just because I have a connection with my source doesn’t mean I am impervious and not being affected by the world dynamic. That would be ridiculous. Even the ascended masters talked about they felt grief when they lost their mothers. Even if you’re enlightened, you’re going to feel the emotion. What is the difference between an ascended master and somebody like ourselves? The difference is the speed with which we move back into harmony with our source and it takes practice.

The ascended masters got it on luck. They were able to experience the emotion of grief or tragedy. They were able to get into harmony with the source fairly quickly and reminded themselves, “You are the watcher of the reality before you.” They were able to move into that state of being watchful. Some people call it mindfulness. Some people call it the watcher. I prefer watcher to mindfulness because mindfulness puts me in my brain where watcher allows me to disassociate from drama and trauma that are happening in front of me.

I love the reframe with harmony because it suggested to me when you said that, what I saw were all these strands, like instruments in an orchestra. When you notice almost like the conductor where you’re creating that separation, there’s a discordant note. You go, “I love that. What do I need to do to bring that harmony back?” Maybe the discord is good. Maybe it’s a note that works and it’s about acceptance but it feels much less anxiety-inducing when you put it that way.

Harmony is easier. It’s easy to be in harmony with somebody. A conversation is harmonic if you allow it to be. Everybody is going to have a chance to speak. You’re a good interviewer. You allow me to move in. I’m speaking and if somebody cuts me off, I’m like, “They’re excited and highly engaged.” They jumped in because they’re like, “Before I forget.” I remember how my parents were always like, “Stop interrupting. You’re being rude.”

Whereas if some people interrupt me, I grin because I’m like, “They’re engaged. We are engaged. We are having a very co-creative harmonic moment.” When I interrupt other people, I always go, “Excuse me. Sorry. I’m not trying to be rude but there’s something I want to share with you because I’m engaged with you.” That’s the way of reframing. Your entire reality can be reframed from old paradigms that no longer are appropriate for your personal life.

For every individual that’s reading this, you need to reframe for yourself. Don’t take my reframing or Janet’s reframing. You want to reframe your life for yourself and realize that some of the stuff that you were taught is out-and-out wrong for your path. It was totally appropriate, maybe when you were ages 8 to 15 but after that point or where you are now, maybe you’re 62, that programming that you were given needs to be totally and completely cleared from your system. It is not serving you anymore, especially if you need to move forward in your life in a very specific way. You know that in your core.

Our job is not to walk around judging others. That judgment is yet another way for the ego to express itself so that it can feel safe.

Janine, you mentioned before the chaos that we’re feeling at the moment. Can you speak to that? Explain your take on that, where that’s coming from, why we’re feeling this and why there’s a growing sense of anxiety. It’s interesting. We can pinpoint it to issues like the climate crisis and go, “That’s why I’m feeling anxious.” Is that where it’s coming from?

Anxiety is your ego trying to create drama and you don’t necessarily need to listen to it. The ego likes to feed on pain and suffering. One of the things you have is a mystic. My definition of a mystic is anybody who wants to evolve their consciousness. I don’t care where you’re starting out with. I don’t care if you’re not meditating and you’re learning to meditate. Whether you consider yourself a newbie or a twenty-year veteran, it doesn’t matter to me. You’re a mystic because you’re trying to improve the world through your own inner work. Bravo to you. Two thumbs way up. Good job. Keep going. We need you to evolve.

That’s what’s happening with this planet is that humankind will evolve. It’s consciousness whether it wants to or not. You can see the extremes that are happening. There are people kicking and screaming, wanting to go back to the way it was before. They are throwing an absolute hob-gob fit, trying to get somebody to listen to them because this is not right where we are. They refuse to accept that this is the new normal.

For those individuals, they have an emotional default setting. They have, at some point in their life, thought that, “The more negative I am and the more I throw a fit, I’ll eventually get my way.” That’s the ego. I don’t blame anybody for this. This is how we’re hardwired. We come into this planet with that. Realize where those folks are. They have never had a situation that had hit them from all areas of their life. Every single institution, every single area of their life is demanding on them to evolve. Their ego is like, “If I stay miserable long enough, eventually, I’ll get my way.” That is, as we all know, a very self-destructive cycle. That’s part of the anxiety from that.

On the other side, you have those people who do not operate in that default setting. They have a different default setting, which is they have care, compassion and understanding for others at the expense of their own forgiveness of self-compassion to self because they’ve been taught it’s wrong to be selfish. They’re the ones that are the caregivers and will almost sacrifice everything for others, totally and completely forgetting to take care of themselves because it’s wrong because that’s being selfish and self-serving and I’m not going to be that.

These are the empaths that we have. They can walk into a room and know if a conversation is going well or if the conversation is quite bad. They can tell by walking into the room. They’re the ones that pick up on anxiety because, everywhere they go, there is conflict because you have those people who are trying to stay negative so they get their way back to what they think is normal. You have these empaths that are being affected by that, trying to bring comfort and make people feel better. All they do is stir a high level of conflict going on.

Are they also coming from an egoic position as well unwittingly?

I don’t know if I would call it that. I like to call that more programming or training. They’ve been trained that it’s selfish to do whatever. I honestly can’t say. I don’t feel confident being able to say it that way. Some people could call it that but I don’t like saying that to empaths because empaths work hard not to be egocentric. They’re outside of that. To say that it was ego-based would do more harm than good for that particular personality type because they’re working hard not to be the negativity that they see expressed in front of them.

Maybe I’m thinking of myself here but I can veer into a space of self-righteousness that doesn’t feel healthy. Do you know what I’m talking about? Living in Bali, we see a lot of this too. It tends to attract a lot of people who might have you think that they’re more evolved than you are. We get into a spiritual Olympics over here on this little island.

Let me assure you that source loves us all equally. When somebody starts talking about how they’re more evolved than someone else, I look at them and say, “You don’t understand motherhood very well, do you? A mother will love the child that has mental challenges just as much as the child that is an athlete and doing wonderful scholarships, as much as the stoic scholar.” I have four children and they always like to say, “Which one of us do you love best?” I look at them and go, “Come here and I’ll tell you,” and I’ll go, “All of you.” “That’s not possible.” I’m like, “Love is not a piece of pie that the more you cut it up and you’re not going to get less. Love is more than that.”

Finding Spirituality: Love is not a piece of pie that the more you cut it up, you get less of. You're not going to get less. Love is more than that.

Anytime you see somebody in a self-righteous attitude about anything, I always say the same thing that Mother Teresa did, which is, “Mind your own business.” That’s that person’s issue. That sounds like a personal problem. Our job is not to walk around judging others. That judgment is yet another way of the ego to express itself so that it can feel safe because, “If I judge somebody else then I can feel better about myself.” That’s part of the programming but that’s not where you, as a mystic, are going.

When I catch myself having a moment of, “I’m so glad I’m not them,” or however it comes through my head, the watcher of my brain goes, “Isn’t that interesting that you would say that? The source loves that person just as much as you because love is given to all equally without reservation.” What happens is we shut off that faucet, depending upon how judgmental and negative we are. The more in harmony we are with joy, peace, contentment and appreciation, the more love we feel and the better our reality is.

If someone is feeling that they can’t achieve that in harmony, it’s almost like there’s a tug of war going on between maybe what they feel about themselves and who they’re trying to be and they can’t get any reconciliation. How do you achieve that? What would you say to someone who is feeling that way and it’s resulting in maybe they don’t have the confidence to move forward?

They feel stuck in a state of inertia because this part of them is constantly pulling them back and keeping them small and fear-driven. What do you say to someone like that who wants to know? How do I achieve this state of wellness? Do I have to wait for that bolt from the blue or could I do something or take some action?

I pray to goodness that you don’t have to be struck by lightning for that. First of all, give yourself a break. The world is going through an unprecedented event in modern history. Number one, you are alive on planet Earth and that is saying something. This is an incredible time to be alive. Your labeling of, “It’s good or bad,” that’s what’s causing the hiccup in your life. Say you had a good friend die or you find yourself in grief and you’re struggling.

The very first thing I like to share with people is I always go when I find myself down and I’m trying to pull myself up with positive thinking, it isn’t cutting it. The one side of my head is, we’re going to look at the sun and say, “The sun is shining.” I have that little voice in my head that likes to point back at me. Sometimes, what I’ll do is I’ll go and sit down. I’ll take a couple of deep breaths and do whatever breathing techniques. Sometimes, taking a couple of deep breaths is all you need.

You sit for a moment and then you say to yourself, “What can I do to feel better?” I know I already said that but honestly, that is my affirmation. People use mantras and affirmations. They didn’t work for me but for me, saying, “What do I need to feel well?” I’ll wait for an answer and it is so funny. Sometimes the first thing that comes to my mind, I revolt at the idea because I don’t want to.

One time, it was like, “What can I do to feel better?” I was like, “Get your shoes on and put on your coat.” It was negative 15 degrees outside when this happened and I was like, “I do not want to go outside. It is freaking cold out there.” I bundled all up and went outside. It was so cold. When it hit me, it caused me to almost go into not a state of shock but it’s like that level. I went, “Wait a minute.” It triggered a memory. I remembered a long time ago that when it got this cold, that you could throw a bucket of water out in the air and it would freeze before it would hit the ground.

I ran inside and got a bucket. I threw it out there and it went into ice before it hit the ground. I’m telling my kids, “Guys, come here. You got to check this out.” They went outside real quick and we did the same thing over and over. It took me the rest of the day and I was getting ready to go to bed that night. I realized I got myself out of that bad mood because I was triggered by that memory that I would never have had had I not listened to my internal intuition that was guiding you how to feel better now at this moment.

The more in harmony we are with joy, peace, contentment, and appreciation, the more love we feel and the better our reality is.

That’s extreme but I like using that story because it is extreme. Sometimes I’ll say, “What will make me feel better now?” It’s like, “Go make yourself a hot cup of cocoa.” While I’m making the hot cup of cocoa, I haven’t even taken a sip of it yet, the phone rings and I’m already in a better mood because I’m making a hot cup of cocoa and it brings comfort to me. Somebody calls me and the next thing I know, I’m totally out of my bad mood. That’s the way the universe works for you if you will give it an opportunity to speak to you through your own inner voice but you have to quiet yourself so you can hear that voice.

I look at such practical advice and I love that because it’s so easy. I feel that marginalized people who appear to have a very strong intuitive self that they don’t have down moments or that every day is joyous and every sunset is to be loved. It’s great to know that you get into this mood. It’s reassuring because then it starts to minimize this division between us and then, the evolved ones and the rest of us. I remember at school, I was always a little bit offended when there was this club called The Crusaders, who were the ones who got chosen and then there was the rest of us. I thought, “That’s not fair. Why do we get to do that?”

I would love to talk to you about this book that I believe is in the works called Creating with the Divine: Making a Life with Your Spiritual Gifts. Is it possible for you to give us a little bit of a taster on that one, a little bit of a preview of what that means and how people might achieve that? I feel that’s the holy grail. Can I make a living in this material world, get food on the table and have sufficient income that I’m not worrying about money all the time, doing what fills my heart? How do I do that? Can you give us a little bit of download on that?

This is near and dear to my heart because over and over again, as I ran into various mystics, they all said the same thing, “I want to do this full-time. This makes me feel good.” I talk about how you can do that in the book. It’s still in the writing process. I’m going to be giving you a link if you want to share that with your readers where they can become beta readers.

I’ll start typing out chapters in January 2022 with the purpose of having the book ready in February 2022. Every chapter I write, they get a little email and then I’ll say, “Can you look over the chapter?” They can help me co-create the book together if I don’t answer questions and stuff like that. I love working with beta readers while I’m writing a book. That’s an opportunity for them.

As far as giving a little bit of help here and encouragement, it is totally possible to make a living doing what you want to do with your spiritual gifts. The challenge is that if you put up too many barriers and fear factors of it, you won’t ever get there. You were talking to me. When you were asking the question, you were sharing, “Is it possible to do that when you have to pay the rent and you have to do this and that?” I’m like, “Why are you assuming you have to pay the rent?” “It’s because I’m paying the rent now.”

That may not be the case. When you understand your spiritual gifts, you may be gifted a place to live for free. Stop putting that limitation in there. There are so many assumptions that are made. You were eloquent and very graceful when you said them all to me. I picked out four assumptions that you were making in the question about, “How do you go about doing this?”

When people say to me, “Janine, we all have to pay rent and mortgage.” I went, “There are people on this planet whose houses are paid off, who are traveling to their third house and some other place on this planet, who needs somebody to take care of the house while they’re gone and would love for somebody to be a house sitter and you can be there rent-free.”

There are options available to you but it’s going to take some expansion. Before the universe cracks open your head and hurt you, which it will, there are a lot of assumptions that you have to walk through first before you get to a place where you could receive the opportunity to do what you want to do, spiritually speaking.

You were saying there are certain things you have to do before the universe gives you what you need.

The most powerful place for you to be is in the present moment, saying there is a solution and you will find it.

The universe will give you what you need. The problem is you being able to recognize it because you’re still looking at reality with these programs in your head. You still have filters on your eyeglasses. It’s like The Wizard of Oz. When they went into the Emerald City, everybody was fitted with green-filtered glasses. The city was the Emerald City because everybody was running around with green glasses on. That doesn’t mean the city was green.

I remember when I first started reading those books, I was like, “Do these people not catch on?” I then saw what the story was about. What are the filters that you have on your own opportunities that you don’t see because you don’t think it’s possible? You’re wearing colored glasses and I was one of those people too. There are still days where the universe will show me something and I’ll go, “Look you there. I’m going to have to change that little paradigm in my head.” Every day, new worlds are opened up to me on things that can be done and how they can be done differently.

I like the comparison with the glasses because it also speaks to people who might have a tendency to wear rose-tinted glasses as well. In other words, the cure for self-doubt is to be optimistic or write affirmations and I find that’s equally limiting as well. It’s almost like we want to try and find a clear lens that’s not tinted in any direction.

The biggest thing since you brought up rose-colored glasses, which was something that I was teased about unmercifully most of my growing up, was that I had rose-colored glasses. I used to say, “I like my world. I have a great time in my world. Anytime you want to come over, you can party with me.” Let’s talk about positivity. It’s one thing to be sitting in a situation that your brain is telling you is not good. Get yourself out of that situation if physical, emotional, mental or spiritual harm may come to you. There’s that aspect of it. You’ve got to put yourself in a safe place.

Let’s say you’re in a safe place. You’re not going to be harmed physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually with where you are in that space. That’s when you need to be the watcher and see how you are labeling your experiences because maybe your spouse or companion has an affair and leaves you for this person. It’s the worst thing that has ever happened to you and your life because you have been a rule follower.

You have done everything according to the way you’re supposed to and this person is supposed to stay with you for life because of the vow you were given and they didn’t. Let’s talk about that. The worst thing that ever happened to you in your life where positive affirmations and journaling come in is you take that and say, “How is this the best thing that has ever happened to me?” Your ego will fight you on that and it will say, “How dare you say that this is the best thing that ever happened in my life?”

It will try to go off into its trauma and drama. Stop it. Don’t allow it to do that. You say, “There is a silver lining here. There are gold nuggets of wealth and knowledge that I’m going to get from this. What are they?” You will start writing and you will start to see how it’s the best thing that happened to you. It was Carl Jung that originally came up with it to twist something around on its head like that and say, “The worst thing that ever happened to you, how was it the best thing that ever happened to you?” It causes you to harmonize very quickly than with your source because your source is like that.

Your source is like, “Nothing has come to you that was meant to be hurtful. It did. It wasn’t meant to but everything that has come to you, if you take responsibility for it then you can create a solution to get yourself out of it.” That’s why the universe is trying to encourage you to always take responsibility for everything that comes to you. Not because it’s your fault but because the most powerful place for you to be is in the present moment, saying, “There is a solution and I will find it.” You do because you have that positive outlook. It’s a little bit more on that rose-colored glasses where it’s very helpful.

Thank you, Janine. I love that. It suddenly puts you in a place of gratitude too. If you could be grateful for that event then life is a series of wonders and gifts.

Self-expression is taking that divinity that exists in every person on this planet and then giving them a forum or opportunity to express it well. 

I had a person that had been molested when he was quite young. He was the one that showed me. I thought my life was bad. This guy had his own drama and trauma. When he was telling me about his experiences, he went, “I did that experiment of turning it on my head. How is being molested as a young boy the best thing that could ever happen to me?” He goes, “I sat there, looked at that and went, ‘I have a lot more compassion for people than I could have ever had.'”

He listed off. He showed me his journaling pages for that. He was only able to list three things but he goes, “Those three things are the core of my personality to where I defend those that are weaker than me.” It was a beautiful statement to him. It can be pretty extreme what has happened to you. I’m sorry you may be going through whatever it is you’re going through but I also want you to know that at some point, you’re going to be tired of being either a victim or being powerless.

In order to step into your power, all you have to do is start focusing on, “How did this become the best thing that could have happened to me?” You remove yourself from the drama and trauma that the ego is trying to keep you in that very miserable place. You move into a more positive place because what has happened is you have aligned with the source. The source will give you all the power and resources you need to find the solution to move forward and a happier place for yourself.

It’s time for the Magic Triangle reading. If you’re reading this and you’re not familiar with this exercise, the Magic Triangle is a way of quite quickly narrowing down to three things the things that you feel in your life you need the most that would make the biggest positive difference to your life. They come up in a triangular formation. There is one at the top, which I call the core need. At the base, there are the sub-core needs. The 3rd and 2nd core needs are at the base.

Janine, when you did this exercise, what came up for you at the base of the triangle was delight and self-expression. Floating to the top of your triangle was bliss. I would love to explore that with you. I love that combination. I’m feeling goosebumps even as I talk about it. Can you tell us first about delight? What does delight mean for you? Why did that come up as 1 of the top 3 out of, to put this in context, maybe about 150 choices?

I didn’t come to this planet to deny myself anything. I came to this planet to enjoy it in all five of my senses. My favorite beverage is coffee. My favorite food is pie. I absolutely love fruit pies. I came to this planet to experience all the varieties and all the different types of fruit pies I can possibly grant me. When I eat it, I’m in a state of absolute delight because I’m sitting here eating it, knowing this is the only planet in all of the universes that has pie.

I’m sitting here eating it with a cup of coffee and I’m swallowing it down. For me, life is a delight. We have a lot going on in our world now but by God, it is not going to deprive me of the delight of being able to sit and chat with friends, even if it’s on Zoom, drinking my cup of coffee and eating pie because I came to this planet to be in a state of delight.

I love how you brought it down to something very real and tangible. It made me think, “I have delight in my life too. My husband makes the best durian ice cream.” I don’t know if you’ve ever tried a durian. It’s a fruit that’s suffering from a bit of schizophrenia. It can taste sweet but it also leaves a garlicky after-taste.

In fact, it smells so intense. The smell is regarded as quite obnoxious. You’re not allowed in Asia to travel on a plane carrying one of these fruits. It’s the one thing I’ll binge eat and I don’t feel guilty about it because I love it. Thank you for reminding us about the true essence of delight. What about self-expression? Can you tell us what that means for you, Janine?

For so much of my life, I was told I was too loud too noisy, talked too much, did too much, needed to calm down and slow down. I constantly felt either through society or my family or something that I was always too much. I was always fill in the blank with the noun. For me, self-expression is so very important. That’s why I write and interview other creatives.

I want to support creatives and mystics as much as I can because I feel like a lot of times, our self-expression is downplayed, ostracized or not even acknowledged that it exists. Self-expression for me is about being able to take that divinity that I know exists in every person on this planet and then being able to give them a forum or an opportunity to express it. In order to do that, you must lead by example. That’s why I lead by example.

Finding Spirituality: The Universe will speak to you through your own inner voice, but you have to quiet yourself so you can hear that voice.

Thank you for that. That makes so much sense. The next one is at the top of the triangle. This is like the cherry on the cherry pie. Tell us about bliss. I know we’re talking words and words are limited. We’re working with containers. I understand that but in the vernacular of words, how would you describe bliss for you, Janine?

It’s being able to live each day where I take a few moments and stand in awe of what has been created around me. Sometimes it’s a sunrise. I’m very lucky. I live in Colorado. We have the Rocky Mountains in front of me. I have anywhere from 11,000 to 14,000 peaks that I can look out to. That puts me in a state of awe every day. My children tease me unmercifully about this. I will be sitting there and we’ll be driving down the highway. I’ll see the front range of mountains.

It looks like a postcard. It’s so perfect. It looks like it has been Photoshopped even though I’m looking at it in real-time. I’ll go, “We live here.” They’re like, “Mom, can you bring it down a couple of notches?” I feel I have done my job with my children. I have either embarrassed them or made that thing. That’s a state of bliss. It’s not gratitude. Gratitude is different. It’s living in total and complete appreciation, being in awe that you’re alive on planet Earth and it is good to be here.

Let’s now look at the meaning behind all of these and what the triangle can teach us. It’s uncanny. I have a funny relationship with triangles. I love them because they’re so solid and immutable that they’re fixed. This triangle is an upward-pointing triangle. The thing at the top is made possible by the solidarity of the foundation. What the triangle is saying is, “It charts the path if you like. Through delight and self-expression, you achieve a state of bliss.”

I know you absolutely know your path intuitively but for those who aren’t clear on their path, what it’s saying is, “Follow this path.” The first mission if you like, in your case Janine, is to focus on delight. How do I bring delight into my life? What does that look like? You described that cherry pie coffee moment. It’s little small things, things that are quite specific, that add up to a pleasurable life. It’s delight first and then self-expression.

Now that we’re in a state of, “Life is beautiful and it’s punctuated by these delightful moments,” I want to express myself in this environment. I feel like expressing myself. Through that self-expression because something is being unleashed in you and heard and it’s landing with others, you can now hold space and see how blissful this existing piece is. Do you see that sense of journey?

It totally made sense. I enjoyed the exercise. I thought it was a lot of fun. It gave me confirmation. That’s something, as mystics, it never hurts to get confirmation. That’s why I enjoy learning from other mystics how they go about working their life paths and how their spiritual gifts manifest because I learn from them. They almost always confirm what I already know about myself. It is so good to hear that you are on the right path because it can get a little confusing.

I’m thankful for my background because I didn’t appreciate it so much at that time but it was advertising. My favorite medium was a billboard because you only have three seconds to impress on someone a message that will stay with them. When you think about it, that’s usually just a visual some caption and maybe a logo. It’s simple. For me, the scariest point in advertising was when I started at this agency and they said to me, “Janet, come up with an idea. Make sure it’s a good one.” I went, “Where do I start?”

I looked at the blank piece of paper and went into a state of uncreative breeze. I thought, “Maybe this is a mental thing more than anything is some structure to attach to so that we’ve got something to work with.” When we say to ourselves, “What do I need?” to have something to work with, not just a blank piece of paper, it almost pacifies the worried mind and allows our hearts to express. That’s my take on it. Coming from the desire to keep things is very difficult.

What I realized is that when I looked at many combinations, it seemed to also work this way. Whatever that yearning of the soul is, when that is fulfilled, that is when you’re in a state where you can put yourself out to others and share those defined gifts. There are a lot of parallels because when you spoke about being a child, being accused of being to this and to that and having that self-expression quelled, it’s almost like the need is created by the pain of lack, of having something that is within us taken away.

Finding Spirituality: When we start living in this very conscious way, we can't help but be a positive force in this world. You don't have to do more and be more. You just need to harmonize with what already exists within yourself.

From that, this then becomes a source of passion, “This thing that was once a source of pain is now my passion. Now that it’s fulfilled in me, now I don’t want others to suffer the same way I did. This is my gift to them.” How that works is it also gives you your why, what and how. The why is the thing at the top. Why you get out of bed ultimately is to be in a state of bliss, to know that that is out there. That’s the thing, that wonderful Alpine postcard that you described, that appreciation of life to not regret it. To appreciate what you see in front of you and enter that state of bliss is a pretty good reason to get out of bed. Let’s say that’s the why.

What you bring to the table and give to others is the gift of self-expression. Self-expression is what you’re enabling and you said this. You jumped straight there. You have to find it in yourself first. That way, you can enable others to find self-expression in whatever form that takes. The how is through delight. It’s showing up in a delightful way, which you do. You are a delightful person. That’s very attractive and it’s also helping other people find delight in their life.

I was watching an interesting series on Netflix called Midnight Mass, which is all about Catholicism. All the pain and the suffering that this particular antagonist in the plot was inflicting on her parishioners tried to teach the Word of God but did so in a way that made everyone feel miserable and chastised. She says, “No one was going to mess.” I see you in quite the opposite way that you bring delight to the table. Your modus operandi is a delight and that’s an attractive thing. Thank you for taking part in that exercise.

Thank you for your confirmation. It’s very comforting and it’s nice to know. I’m glad it’s all coming through because you have those days where you think you’re a lone voice in the wilderness with the wind taking your words from you because there are some times your best efforts don’t land well and you have to keep trying.

That’s my pleasure. I’m going to finish now by asking you to share whatever you feel is the most important message that the world needs to hear now.

Stop doubting yourself. That’s the most important thing. When you quiet yourself, you sit down no matter what chaos is happening around you now. Everybody is in a very different place. Some of you are hungry. Some of you have not had enough to eat. Some of you have not had enough sleep. There are a lot of things going on for a lot of people.

Know that when you sit down and quiet yourself, you will get answers to your most pressing needs. When you calm your mind and you play pretend like you’re a cat and you’re watching the mouse hole, the mouse hole has mice that come out that are thoughts. If you can watch your mind long enough then the mice stop coming out of the mouse hole.

You can calm the mind to a point where you then can allow and receive your own best guidance for how to move forward. That is probably the best thing that you can do for the entire planet because, when we start living in this very conscious way, we can’t help but be a positive force in this world. You don’t have to do more and be more. You just need to harmonize with what already exists within yourself.

Janine Bolon, thank you so much. I love this conversation. It has been a wonderful conversation to hear what you know pour forth. Have things reaffirmed. Learning new things as well has been a delight.

Thank you, Janet. I relished being able to do the Magic Triangle. I thoroughly enjoyed the exercise. I was almost giggly because I was like, “I can’t wait to see what happens.” Thank you for creating a tool that mystics can use. It’s a brilliant tool.

I do mine every six months or so and I keep it on my wall. I look at it so I stay on my path. It never seems to fail me. Thank you, Janine.

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About Janine Bolon

Janine “Dancing Crow” Bolon is a Sacred Clown, Shaman, Bell Dancer and First Chakra Healer. After 20+ years of working with an enlightened Hindu Guru and the Native American Grandmothers and Grandfathers, she was initiated into the ThunderClan after being struck by lightning. She provides shamanistic healing by the use of Totem Animals for Relationships, Wealth and Life Path Challenges. Bring your intentions for the life changes you wish to create for yourself and she will work with you using a variety of techniques to guide you in creating the lifestyle you desire.

Janine also is a testament to the power of perseverance. As an impoverished teenager in rural Missouri, she launched several successful businesses before putting herself through the University of Missouri biochemistry program by working three jobs at once and selling all her possessions. She worked for 15 years in academic and industrial research laboratories before spending the next 20 years raising a brood of four active spawn.

In the past two decades, Janine has completed her M.A. in Education, homeschools the herd, started another entrepreneurial venture (The8Gates, LLC., a firm dedicated to teaching fundamental principles of spiritual and financial independence), has written five books on the topic and teaches math and metaphysics in her spare time. Janine has a new book coming out in September 2017, Seeking the Divine: An Intimate Journey into the World of Mysticism, describing the training and ceremonies that allow her to teach the principles of The8Gates with integrity and humor.

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