Hi, I’m Janet

My mission is to enable you to live a live of emotional, spiritual and financial fulfillment through rapid transformation.

By age 22, Janet had graduated with a BA in Communications, become a punk rock model, Dolly cover girl, movie actress, soapie star, restaurant owner, radio DJ and Australia’s youngest ever copywriter to win a Lion at Cannes. 

She went on to become co-founder of Oddfellows ad agency, then moved to north Queensland to create a multi-million dollar waterfront property development. 

At 48, she had it all… on the outside. But something was seriously wrong. It took losing it all for her to wake up.

How did losing it all inspire this work?

What I didn’t have was the deep contentment that comes from knowing your true calling. In a breakthrough moment, I realised that what I thought was selfless sacrifice in looking after my family and chain of businesses was in fact selfishness. I had been denying myself and the world my great gift as a teacher – my true calling.

A lifetime of studying human nature and my rollercoaster of successes and failures has become the basis for my breakthrough workshops. I’ve spent 40 years figuring out my place on the planet and if I can empower others to do the same and save them a decade or two in the process, I’ve done my job. 

I’m here to help others answer the question, “Why am I here?”

The 5th Door pathway is a 5 step process driven personal transformation journey on steroids. Designed to fast-track the discovery of who you really are and your true calling so you can experience the joy of a life lived on purpose.

Consisting of 5 Programs:

1. PAIN TO PASSION – Unlock your Core Destructive Belief, the root cause of fear and self-doubt.

2. PASSION TO POWER – Channel the unformed energy of passion into your genius zone.

3. POWER TO PURPOSE Apply your super-power to a problem you were born to solve and make your unique contribution to the world. 

4. PURPOSE TO PRESENCE Make an impact, create connection and win trust through the power of your personal brand story.

5. PRESENCE TO PROSPERITY – Take action, live in alignment and bring abundance into your life by applying The 52 Laws of Prosperity.

Unlock your blocks and start living the life that's truly calling you.

This step by step process  delivers the 3 keys to finding your sweet spot.

  1. Mindset to operate free of the shadow that is keeping you stuck.
  2. Mastery over the special brand of genius you were born to share.
  3. Meaning where you apply your genius to solve a heartfelt problem.

I believe our greatest problems boil down to one thing.


So I reverse engineered this state of being stuck to uncover the culprit behind self sabotage: your Core Destructive Belief. 

Each of us has an army of limiting beliefs but your CDB is the general that commands them all. Through my step-by-step guided process, I will help you identify your CDB so you can get unstuck and get back into life, this time at a whole new, more meaningful level.

The 5th Door pathway is a guided transformational journey that will see you transition from an occupation that is a chore to a preoccupation that fulfills you to the core.

The first step is to take a look inside.

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