If you’re a frustrated leader struggling to make an impact and unclear on your next step, let's talk.

You’re here because…

You’re wasting your life building someone else’s dream, instead of your own.

You are feeling frustrated that you’re not living up to your true potential. 

You’re looking for a greater reason to get out of bed than the carrot of money. 

Despite trying other programs, nothing is giving you the clarity or confidence to take the next step.

Hi, I’m Janet.

A six-time entrepreneur, recovered-workaholic and classic career mom. Born in Sydney, I started my first business when I was just 16. 

“I thought my job was to sacrifice my happiness on the altar of hard work.”

I was a cover girl, starred in a movie, ad agency owner, property developer and lived the perfect life in Australia’s Whitsundays with hubby and 3 kids. My life was a “success.” At age 45, I had everything I wanted.

I should have felt like the luckiest girl alive. But all I felt was empty.

A year later, the universe decided I needed a wake up call. In 2008, the Global Financial Crisis saw my hard-earned wealth disappear…and with it the relationship with one of my daughters. I was left with 3 burning questions.
“Who am I? Why do I feel racked by guilt and shame? Will I ever find joy?”

I went to find the answers. 10 years and tens of thousands of dollars later, I discovered there wasn’t a thought leader, book or program that could help.

I created the path I wish someone had shown me and so The 5th Door was born, the program that introduces you to your true self, beyond being just a mother, worker or wife.

The 5th Door Program is “a change process on steroids.”

It’s the safe, guided path to crafting a life that you love, without feeling guilty for putting yourself first.


Really does help people find purpose…

“If I have 100 people who want to create a program, half of them say they have a way for people to find their true purpose. You may well be the first person who really does have a program that really does help people find their purpose.”

Blair Singer

Best Selling Author, Rich Dad Advisor

I have a clear picture of what my gift is…

“I’ve done it all: Tony Robbins seminars, women’s retreats, hypnotherapy – but nothing gave me the insight like this work. I now have SUCH a clear picture of what my gift is and how I can communicate it with the world. Thank you Janet.”

Ella Cook

Founder and Facilitator, the Alchemy of She

Clear on my vision, mission and purpose…

“I now feel so much more clear on where I am going and what my vision and mission are. What I’ve learnt about myself has been invaluable and I’m very focussed and excited about the next step in my life.”

Chris Robb

Founder, Mass Participation World

Let me guide you from this limbo to a life you love…

  • Where vagueness about your strengths and talents has been replaced by a deep sense of inner knowing.
  • Instead of fearing growing older, you are excited by all the possibilities waiting out there for you.
  • Now that you have made peace with your past and lost your anxiety about the future, you can enjoy being fully present, in the here and now.
  • You no longer identify as “just a mother, wife or worker.” You have the confidence to show up just as you.
  • You relationships are thriving. That feeling of disconnection and isolation is a thing of the past.
  • With newfound faith, you swap living in the hope of reconnection, for knowing you will be ok, no matter what.

Why you’re here…

You have sacrificed your life for others. But instead of feeling good, worthy and noble, you are racked by uncertainty and self doubt, especially when it comes to:


“What if I come to the end of my life, financially secure but alone?”

  • Your life is about work, some might even describe you as a workaholic, so that when it comes to your relationships, your self confidence plummets.
  • You may feel frustrated with yourself for feeling needy, incomplete, running into the arms of partners you know deep down are only there to fill a void.
  • You may keep yourself awake at night, mulling over the same tired questions: “Where did I go wrong? What did I do to deserve this estrangement?”


“I thought having kids would give my life meaning. But now that they’re gone, I have nothing to live for.”

  • You tried to be the perfect mom, but it feels like the more you tried, the less confident you became.
  • Perhaps you’re not sure what you want for the future, or you’ve not dared to dream, or fear that that ship has sailed?
  • You’ve got that pinboard of all the things you’d “rather be doing… someday”, but instead you just go through the motions, feeling tired and exhausted.

Sense of Purpose

“I’m always busy and put others first but why do I feel so empty and unfulfilled?”

  • You’ve tried so many programs, and none of them gave you what you were looking for, or go deep enough to really get to the core of what’s wrong.
  • You’ve been a good “wife, mother, businesswoman.” Society says you’ve got “all you’ve ever wanted,” but deep down you still feel empty and lonely.
  • You’re scared  because you feel you “should” be happy and grateful, but fear you’ll end up dying with regret.

Which door are you living behind?

For most of us, life is like a set of revolving doors where we can find ourselves stuck behind any or all of these first four.

  1. LIVING HELL whatever “worst nightmare” means for you – bankruptcy, divorce, chronic disease, anxiety, depression.
  2. TREADMILL living the 9 to 5, the mediocre life where you comply to the expectations of your parents and society.
  3. ROLLER COASTER you tried to take control – started a business or new life – but it feels like there are way more lows than highs.
  4. PIPE DREAM you achieved your “success” e.g. travelling the world, living in luxury. But there’s something missing.
  5. YOUR SWEET SPOT where you are living in exchange, sharing your gift and being rewarded for it.

The 5th Door is out there, waiting for you to open it.

The 5th Door Fast Track to Freedom

5 steps that will transform the way you see the world… and your place in it.

Here’s what’s included in each program…

Program 1

Pain to Passion

Explore your undiscovered self and go from feeling lost and alone to whole and complete.

  • Module 1: Your Crazy Loop – Understand the patterns that have been playing out in your life
  • Module 2: Your Bright Future – Uncover your vision, mission and gift
  • Module 3: Meet Your Shadow – Identify your core fear, so you can overcome it
  • Module 4: Your Dark Past – Heal and set free your childhood wounds
  • Module 5: Core Destructive Belief – Identify the inner termite that’s been undermining your success

  • Module 6: Core Truths – Tame your overcompensating self and discover a new effortless way of being
  • Module 7: Your Guiding Star – A tailormade template for getting everything you need

Delivery: Online, one on one or groups of up to 10.

  • 7 weekly pre-recorded trainings
  • 1 hr weekly live one on ones facilitated by Janet
  • Time investment: 3 hrs/wk plus follow up check in call 2 weeks after completion

Program 2

Passion to Power

Go from feeling frustrated and ineffective to being able to apply your true power.

  • Module 1: Which Door Are You Living Behind? Pinpoint where you are now so you can track your journey
  • Module 2: Meet Your Intuitive Self – The essence of who you really are
  • Module 3: Where Are You Most Gifted? Behold your superpower

  • Module 4: Your Behaviour Style – Understand how you perform best

  • Module 5: Unlock Your Genius – Apply your core intelligence to what you love to do to discover what you’re really capable of

  • Module 6: A Portrait of the Real You – Align your life with who you really are

Delivery: Online, one on one or groups of up to 10.

  • 6 weekly videos plus 1 hr weekly live one on one with Janet

  • Time investments: 3 hours per week

  • Prerequisite – Must have already done Program 1: Pain to Passion

Program 3

Power to Purpose

Jump out of bed, charged with the energy of working for something greater than yourself.

  • Module 1: From Me To Meaning – Discover the true meaning of living in exchange
  • Module 2: 5 Lives – Mind map your hidden possibilities and ideal life
  • Module 3: Your Legacy – Understand who you have the potential to become
  • Module 4: Why You’re Here – Uncover the unique contribution you are here to make
  • Module 5: 5th Door Project – Get clear on your next life changing step
  • Module 6: Crossing The Threshold – Turn the life you were born to live into reality

Delivery: Online one on one or groups of up to 10.

  • 6 weekly videos plus 1 hr weekly live one on one facilitated by Janet
  • Time investment: 2.5 – 3 hrs/wk plus follow up check in call after completion
  • Provided as a 12 week continuous course with Program 2: Power to Purpose

Program 4

Purpose to Presence

A unique approach to creating your brand story that will establish you as a powerful, purposeful leader.

  • Module 1: Ultimate Calling Card – The power of story and owning your vulnerability
  • Module 2: Stickability – Inspire others through your perseverance
  • Module 3:  Credibility – Share your wins to gain trust and authority
  • Module 4: Shitty First Draft – Where done is better than good
  • Module 5: From Shitty to Shiny – Winning over your audience with your hero’s journey
  • Module 6: Your Coming Out – Own it and show the world the real you.

Delivery: Online one on one or in a group of up to 10.

  • 6 weekly videos plus 1 hr weekly live one on one facilitated by Janet
  • Time investment: 3 hrs/wk including follow up check in call after completion
  • Prerequisite – Must have already done Programs 1, 2 & 3

Program 5

Presence to Prosperity

Become part of The 5th Door alumni group and master the secret principles behind turning your heartfelt mission into a prosperous life.

  • The 52 Laws of Prosperity: Discover one every week to build your wealth through wisdom. For example:
  • The Law of the Architect: Clarity on your responsibilities and what to delegate
  • The Law of Exchange: The right and wrong way to be rewarded for your services
  • The Law of Open Cycles: How to conquer overwhelm and maintain your momentum

Delivery: Small interactive group teachings delivered live online.

  • A 52 week program delivered as 90 minute live weekly sessions facilitated by Janet
  • Total of 78 hours including online group support
  • Prerequisite – Must have completed all four of The 5th Door programs.

I invite you to take this journey with me.

Let me guide you along this carefully created pathway from work that exhausts you to a life that excites you, where you are making your living by making a difference.

Are you ready for your new life?

  • You are successful again but this time it’s a different kind of success, doing what you most enjoy and do best; a success that fulfills you.
  • You possess a deep resilience to weather any storm, and even better, what you may have previously seen as obstacles you now see as opportunities.
  • You are aware of all the pieces of you that were once locked away and now stand strong, bold and proud as you step into your true power.
  • You accept who you really are, love yourself, believe in yourself and are now unstoppable in all areas of your life.

This is perfect for you if...

  • You’ve been looking around for answers, eg. meditation, online courses but nothing seems to be helping you join the dots
  • You’re ready to do some deep meaningful work
  • You’re committed and willing to invest on yourself
  • You want to make the next stage of your life the very best for yourself and those around you.
  • You have a burning desire to live a life that matters.
  • You wish to make money doing what you love and are good at.

This is not for you if...

  • Are too busy or preoccupied to invest the time in yourself
  • Are cynical or skeptical about the benefits of doing inner work
  • Are not sure what “transformation” means and are not wanting much to change in your life
  • Are in too dark a place, ie engaging in suicidal ideations
  • Have no previous history of taking action, or experiencing “success”
  • Feel that “others,” “the world,” “your parents,” or “society” are to blame and you are powerless.

Program Investment

There are 3 ways to get started and work together, depending on which level of commitment, investment and cost savings suit you best.

Packages start from $997 US

Next steps…

  1. Complete your application form
  2. We meet for a breakthrough call
  3. Discuss the best way to work together – get ready to step into your 5th door!

What makes you different?

I know what it’s like to be stuck on the therapist’s couch or in a workshop that simply isn’t giving me the answers I’m looking for. The 5th Door process is all about achieving a very defined outcome then guiding you step by step to ensure you achieve it. It is pragmatic, process driven and in the words of many participants, “actually enjoyable”!

What’s your approach?

The approach is time-efficient, thorough and detective-like, with our key objective being to get to the root of why you are feeling stuck, bored, or dissatisfied with your life and work backwards from there to uncover what is preventing you from achieving your potential. This is known as your Core Destructive Belief.

How do you work?

I work primarily one on one, using a combination of pre-recorded training videos which you watch at your leisure, and then one on one live sessions to do the deep digging that is required to create permanent shifts. I also offer The 5th Door to groups of up to 10. All work is done on line.

How do I know we’re a good fit?

I offer a one on one breakthrough call where we discuss the results of the Magic Triangle quiz. In this call it’s easy to establish whether the program is right for you. Generally, it works best for anyone who is in transition or not clear they are in the right career or relationship, and those sufficiently motivated to change, having done some kind of transformational work before.

What can I expect from the first program: Pain to Passion?

A solution to whatever has been holding you back, be it lack of energy, imposter syndrome, self-doubt, perfectionism, analysis paralysis…the first module does the deep dive that is necessary to identify and resolve the root cause of whatever is creating setbacks in your life, clearing the way to feeling more at peace with yourself and experiencing happiness.

Do I need to have done previous personal development work?

It’s not essential but it is preferable, simply because with some previous experience, insights tend to come more readily. The best way to know for sure if it is suitable for you is to have a breakthrough call where I can quickly establish if this would be effective for you or not.

How can I get the most out of the program?

By being open and curious and genuinely wanting to undergo transformation. Many people feel trepidation about doing any kind of inner work because they fear they may discover something they don’t like about themselves. Fortunately, these fears are unfounded and the most common response at the end of this work is one of relief that you have finally solved the mystery that is you.

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